High School Boys Team (Grades 9th - 12th)

Team Information
Coaches & Staff
Head Coach
Lucas Schwartz
Rowan Spraker [Offensive Coordinator]
Hutton Bales [Defensive Coordinator]
Team Support
John Tuite
- Begins: TBA
- Typical schedule: Monday-Friday, 3:30-5:00pm, lower lacrosse field.
- Practices are on the lacrosse practice field
- Keep your tennis/running shoes in your equipment bag in case weather requires we move indoor
- Mother nature causes our schedule to be ever changing unfortunately. We understand that this is not ideal but all efforts will be made to keep you informed in a timely matter in GroupMe and via the Teamsnap Mobile App.
If you have questions or would like to be added to our email list, send request to smmhslax@gmail.com and ask to be added to HS boys group. If you have questions regarding practices please contact Coach Lucas Schwartz.
Spring Schedule
WHEN: | 3-5pm |
WHERE: | Lower field |
STARTS: | tba |
WEEKLY: | Mon-Thurs |
ENDS: | tba |
Eagle Rules
- Be on Time:
Practice starts at 3:15. Pre-practice is from 3:15 - 3:25 coaches will forgive 5 min. Arriving after 3:30 is LATE - Be at Practice:
If you miss a practice during the week you will not play for the 1st quarter. If you miss two practices you will not dress for the game. If you miss more than 5 practices during the season I will meet with your parents to find a solution. - Do Not Use Foul Language:
Use of foul language is unacceptable, unintelligent, and against the rules. Control your words. - Respect your Body:
Eat healthy and eat plenty of food. Hydrate after every practice and at night. Get plenty of rest and give your body time to recover after games. - Excel Academically:
You are expected to maintain good grades. Anyone failing a class must get tutoring and improve the grade before playing.
Choose Your Attitude: We are Winners!! We Win!! That is what we do Here.
Understand that you choose to play on a team that puts in the extra work and does what the others won't. When you walk on the field of battle, expect to win, because you know the work you put in.
Respect the Game!!!
And most importantly - Have Fun!!!!!
Lacrosse is more fun than Humans should be allowed!!!
Required Equipment
- LAX Helmet
- mouth guard
- LAX chest protector*
- LAX stick
- LAX gloves
- LAX elbow pads
- athletic cup/supporter
- Cleats (preferred) and tennis shoes on conditioning days
* Must meet NOCSAE performance standard ND200 for Commotio Cordis/ chest protection beginning Jan 1, 2022
Provided equipment
- Practice pennie
- Game jerseys
Gear, Equipment & Safety
Equipment Guide
Gear Websites
- sidelineswap.com
- www.lacrossemonkey.com
- lax.com
- sportstop.com
- LOCAL - Dick's Sporting Goods and Academy
Provided equipment
- Practice pennie
- Game jerseys
Safety Corner

Early Saturday practice and team breakfast

Early Saturday practice and team breakfast

Recently organized team practice on November 29, lead by Captains Collins and Forrest Payne, Mack Hansen and Sullivan Clarke